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  • Mark Young

How You Can Pray For Someone To Discover Jesus

On their Instagram page, KC Underground recently posted 10 simple prayers that you can pray for someone who you hope will enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The prayers form a pathway, each prayer being a step on the journey from seeking to surrender. These are the prayers:

alley with a brick wall

1. I pray, Lord, that You draw _(name)__ to Yourself.

2. I pray that ____ seeks to know You.

3. I pray that ____ hears and believes the Word of God.

4. I ask You [Lord] to prevent Satan from blinding _____ to the truth.

5. Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict ____ of his/her sin and reveal his/her need for Jesus.

6. I ask You [Lord] to send someone, in addition to me, who will share the Gospel with _____.

7. I also ask that You [Lord] give me (and/or my community) the opportunity, the courage, and the right words to share the truth with _____.

8. Lord, I pray that ____ turns from his/her sin.

9. Lord, I pray that ____ would put all of his/her trust in Jesus.

10. Lord, I pray that ____ will confess Jesus as Lord of his/her life, take root and grow in his/her faith, and bear much fruit for Your glory. Thank you to KC Underground for sharing these steps. I hope that these will be of help to you as you journey toward Jesus with those you hope will be saved.

Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Mark

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